Northern Italy study trip

A video of the main facade of Como's Casa del Fascio, overlooking Piazza del Popolo

Casa del Fascio, Como, Italy

A four-day tour exploring Modernism in and around Milan

Thursday 29 September 2022 to Sunday 2nd October (with an option of leaving early on Sunday)

 The tour will be led by Professor Judi Loach, former chair of the Docomomo UK working party. We will provide a detailed illustrated guide to the sites visited to all participants.

 Northern Italy has a rich heritage of Modernist buildings steeped in the Italian Rationalist movement, which sought to create a form of Modernism that developed from local traditions and materials. We will be exploring some of these sites: our provisional itinerary includes several buildings by such well known practices as Gio Ponti, Terragni, BBPR and Caccia Dominioni but will also take in works by practices arguably of equal significance but lesser known in Britain, such as Muzio, Figini & Pollini, and Asnago & Vender.

This tour will give exclusive access to certain sites and a chance to explore this work in its context.

Our tours are known for their intense pace, which appeals to many participants, however for this trip we are planning a two lane approach with a choice each day of a slower pace (with less visits) for participants who would like a more gentle rhythm. Please note that those choosing to take the gentler itinerary for any day may miss out on accessing some sites.

 The fast lane tour will involve significant amounts of walking around Como, Milan and its suburbs, and we will be using public transport throughout.

 We will be organising the tours and recommending a hotel, but will leave transport and accommodation bookings up to each of those taking part, allowing individuals to tailor to their own budgets and to add extra days either side if they so wish (there being much more to see in Milan than we will have time to cover!)


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Blenheim Gardens estate